IMPORTANT Application Information
- A seat on the bus this year does NOT guarantee a seat on the bus next year.
- ALL families must re-apply for transportation each school year.
- Application eligibility requirements: ALL fees for any FRCS fee-based service MUST be paid in-full to be eligible to participate or apply for another fee-based service like Transportation. Accounts with past due fees for any FRCS fee-based services from prior years will NOT be eligible to apply for or register for future services of any fee-based program.
- ALL bus assignments will be issued first come, first served for completed, active applications only.
- Be sure to complete the application using a computer, not a smartphone.
- FRCS offers a fee-based REGIONAL Transportation Program. This program is designed to provide community service not necessarily neighborhood service.
Applications will be considered active for a seat assignment only when ALL the requirements below have been submitted and received, including,
1) Complete and submit the online bus application.
2) Pay the required Deposit. Payment can be made at or in the form of a money order/cashier’s check only. No personal checks will be accepted.
Note, by completing the online application you have agreed that your child(ren) will adhere to the school’s behavior expectations/bus conduct guidelines and the terms of the Return Trip Policy.
* The Deposit must be received within 7 business days to lock-in the time the online application is submitted. Applications which are completed with payment after the initial 7 days will be considered active on the day payment is received. For more information regarding how bus assignments are made see website.
2024-2025 Regional Bus Transportation Fee Schedule by Family Size
1 Student Family |
2 Student Family |
3 Student Family |
4+Student Family |
$274 |
$337 |
$420 |
$484 |
Due July 15, 2023 |
$137 |
$169 |
$211 |
$242 |
Due August 15, 2023 |
$137 |
$169 |
$211 |
$242 |
Due September 15, 2023 |
$137 |
$169 |
$211 |
$242 |
Due October 15, 2023 |
$137 |
$169 |
$211 |
$242 |
Due November 15, 2023 |
$137 |
$169 |
$211 |
$242 |
Due December 15, 2023 |
$137 |
$169 |
$211 |
$242 |
Due January 15, 2024 |
$137 |
$169 |
$211 |
$242 |
Due February 15, 2024 |
$134 |
$163 |
$205 |
$240 |
$1,367 |
$1,683 |
$2,102 |
$2,418 |
A school bus is an extension of school itself and the same code of conduct with appropriate consequences will apply for bus misbehavior as they do in school. School bus safety is a primary concern of F.R.C.S. and F.R.C.S. reserves the right to take whatever action is necessary to maintain a high level of safety. The right of a pupil to school bus transportation is a qualified right, dependent on appropriate behavior. In cases where a pupil seriously or continuously violates the code of conduct, parents will be notified by the School and the bus pass will be revoked if, in the opinion of the School, such action is necessary for the general safety and well-being of other students.