Please Plan Ahead: Half Day - Friday, March 14th

Please Plan Ahead! Friday, March 14th is a half day of school for all FRCS students. Please note that our staggered dismissal for students begins at 11:00 a.m. 

  • 11:00 a.m.: Regional/Foxborough Buses
  • 11:05 a.m.: Carpools
  • 11:15 a.m.: All Other Students


Per DESE guidelines, FRCS must provide a period of time for students to eat lunch prior to early dismissal on half days of school. Families who normally pack a lunch for their student to eat at school should plan to do so on March 14th. Lunch will be served to students who normally get lunch at school.


Children will arrive to their regular bus stop approximately three and a half (3 1/2) hours earlier than normal. Please make arrangements to be at the bus stop before the bus is scheduled to arrive. Click here to view the estimated drop off times.  


Your child will take the same bus into school in the morning and at afternoon dismissal. There will be no transitioning that normally occurs at other Foxboro public schools in the afternoon. Please plan accordingly, your child will arrive at home approximately three and a half (3 1/2) hours earlier than normal. Please make arrangements to be at the bus stop before the bus is scheduled to arrive.


Please make arrangements to pick up your child by 11:30am. Teachers and staff will be participating in professional development sessions and will not be available to supervise your child.