Schools » High School » School Counseling

School Counseling


Mission Statement


The mission of the School Counseling Department at Foxborough Regional Charter School is to provide a comprehensive, developmental program which addresses the academic, college/career, and personal/social needs of all students. In collaboration with school staff, parents/guardians, and the community, the program will facilitate access for every student to school services and supports to achieve the best possible academic outcomes, help students gain the knowledge and skills to achieve their post-secondary education and career goals, and prepare them to be meaningful contributors to society.


Comprehensive, Developmental School Counseling Programming


The goal of a comprehensive, developmental school counseling program is to continually improve the outcomes for all students in academic, career/college, and social/personal areas.  The American School Counselor Association (ASCA – and the Massachusetts Association of School Counselors (MASCA – have published models as guidelines for school counseling departments to design and implement programming. FRCS endorses these models. 


High School Staff


Mr. Adam Goldberg

Grade 9-12, Last Name A-H

School Counselor, Department Lead

[email protected]



Mrs. Sarah DeMello
Grade 9-12, Last Name I-Z
School Counselor  
Mr. Saed Mahfouz
Project Specialist, School Counseling Department
Ms. Keisha Joseph
HS Adjustment Counselor
Phone: 508-698-7343 ext. 309
[email protected]




Program of Studies
School Profile
Transcript Requests:
College/Career Visits
  • Some colleges are, or are considering, offering options for students visits. Career related visits for things like Job Shadows may also be possible in certain circumstances. It is important you think about your interests for exploring colleges/careers as well as appropriate health and safety. Visits during remote or hybrid learning can be excused absences by submitting the College/Career Visit form



Naviance is a key element of our School Counseling Program.  It is a leading, web-based college and career exploration system.   Students will use and begin learning about the Naviance system in Advisory beginning in Middle School.  Opportunities related to the Career and College Readiness Practicum will be presented in Grade 9 and 10 Advisory.  By 11th and 12th grade, students will be required to use the system as part of Junior and Senior Advising class.  More information about the Naviance system is available HERE.


Seniors! Get organized!!

Download your important college application documents on your Naviance account under Document Library. For additional information about Naviance contact Mr. Goldberg or Mrs. DeMello.



Academic Success


  • Students – Start the year off strong!  Set up times to meet with teachers if you need extra help.
  • Make an appointment to see your guidance/school counselor to talk about study skills, course planning, social supports, activities, career exploration, or any other question you have about being a student.
  • Parents and guardians – contact teachers.  Email is by far the easiest and best way to check-in with them about your student’s progress. Don’t wait until report cards!!


Advisory classes are an important aspect of developing student skills.  All students in grade 5-12 have Advising.   Ask your student about these lessons and start a conversation about how students are learning to be better learners, developing skills for success, and planning for college and career interests, and finding their futures!



Guidance Advisory Council


The National Model for School Counseling recommends having a Guidance Advisory Council.  The council provides feedback on the school counseling program and is also a resource for project and initiatives. If you are interested in discussing school counseling programs and activities related to student’s academic, social/personal, and career exploration needs, please talk to your guidance counselor.