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Additional Resources for Families


Community Resource Guide

Foxborough Police has compiled this Community Resource Guide that includes many resources in our area that are available to FRCS students and their families.
Help is available! The guide includes contact information to services, programs and agencies that support families coping with homelessness, food stability, unemployment, and transportation hardships.  It also includes emergency contact information for local law enforcement agencies, hospitals, and helpful contact information for veterans and their families.
Feel free to download and print the guide and keep it handy. We hope FRCS families find this useful! 


Need Help Paying Bills?

Please visit Massachusetts Assistance and Aid Programs for a listing of resources.

Need Housing Support?

Through the FOCUS ( Families Overcoming Challenges Utilizing Support, Shelter, and Stabilization) Program Community Care Services supports the family’s efforts in battling the effects of poverty and homelessness while searching for permanent housing. FOCUS is a temporary emergency shelter and stabilization program funded by the Department of Housing and Community Development (DHCD).  For more information click here.


Massachusetts Homeless Shelters and Social Services for the Needy

For a  listing of emergency shelters, homeless shelters and transitional assistance click here.


Need Help with Cell Phone Service?

Safe Link Wireless may be able to help or Assurance Wireless


Are you in need of Food Assistance, Furniture Assistance or Christmas Assistance?

My Brother’s Keeper may be able to help!   My Brother’s Keeper,  strives to follow the words of St. Francis of Assisi…we help people of all faiths and backgrounds. Anyone living in our service area is eligible to receive our help, regardless of religion.   To request help for Furniture & Food Assistance call  508-238-4416.  For help with Christmas Assistance contact 508-238-2562.  http://www.mybrotherskeeper.org/ .


In Need of Community Services But Don't Know Where to Turn?

Massachusetts 2-1-1 Get Connected. Get Answers. A program of your local United Way.  Every day, someone somewhere in Massachusetts needs to find essential community services; a food bank, an after school program or where to secure care for an aging parent. Many face these challenges, but don’t always know where to turn for help.  The solution is to dial 2-1-1.  1-877-211-MASS  –  http://www.mass211.org 24 hours a day/7 days a week – free – confidential.  Mass 2-1-1 helps you find free information on: food, shelter, rent assistance, utility bill assistance, after-school programs, child chare, counseling, senior services, disaster relief and much more!

Are You In Need of Employment Assistance?

Check out this FREE Career Development Service for individuals who are new or returning to the market place.  One Life at a Time assists in coaching and mentoring adults with career building essentials so they can obtain and retain gainful employment. They seek to build confidence to help individuals with the education and training they need to be successful in the work place. Visit their website here for more information or to register for a FREE workshop.


Are you Experiencing Housing Issues of Utility Issues?

Visit the Massachusetts Coalition for the Homeless website to learn about the RAFT Program.  If you and your family are at imminent risk of homelessness, you may be eligible for Residential Assistance for Families in Transition (RAFT), a state-funded homelessness prevention program administered by the Massachusetts Department of Housing and Community Development (DHCD). Click here for more information


Tips for Parents:

  • Parents of Seniors Are you a Helicopter Parent? Take the survey here
  • Give Kids Good Schools encourages individuals to: Learn the facts about quality public schools, Vote to support and promote quality public education in your community and across the country, Act by letting public officials and others know that quality public education is a top priority all year long Visit their website here GiveKidsGoodSchools.Org
  • A Community Concern this film follows the story of three communities, Oakland, the Bronx,  and Boston as they work to change their system of public  education you may visit their website and view the film here.
Kid's Club Children's Bereavement Program
  • Kid’s Club is a children’s bereavement program designed to help children ages 5-13 deal with the loss of a loved one or significant person.  Click here for more information.
Additional Resources

Household Goods Inc., is an independent 501(c)(3) not-for-profit organization based in Acton, MA that provides household goods, free of charge, to people in need.

For more information click the link.  http://www.hgrm.org/.

For assistance and services and to find a location in your area please visit the St. Vincent de Paul.
Catholic Charities is South is located at:

169 Court Street, Brockton, MA 02302,Phone: (508) 587-0815,  Fax: (508) 580-0837

Services offered are: Basic Needs Emergency Services, Youth Mentoring, Nursing Assistant/Home Health Aide Training Program, Adult Education ESOL Classes, Success Connections, Parent Aide Program, Elder Outreach Program.  For more information please click here.


Social and Emotional Foundations for Early Learning
Resources from Vanderbilt University