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High School Class Councils


FRCS Student Councils function a bit differently than most high schools. We elect to have one Student Council for each grade in the high school, with our Executive Board composed of members from each of those grade-level councils. This provides opportunities for more students to participate and gain knowledge & experience through these service & leadership positions. In accordance with our FRCS Mission & Vision, our Student Councils will prepare members to serve their communities as leaders and exemplary citizens by instilling positive ethical, moral and civic values.


We strive to:

  • Create opportunities for students to become effective leaders
  • Encourage & influence positive school culture through student voice 
  • Coordinate activities for the student body that bring us together as a community and enhance school spirit
  • Build a climate of caring and tolerance through volunteerism and service to others
  • Grow the partnership between students & school leaders

FRCS recently received the Massachusetts Gold Council of Excellence Award! “The MASC Gold Council of Excellence is presented to those student council programs that are deemed to be the most outstanding in our state association.” -mastuco.net 



Gold Council of Excellence SEMASC Award
Council Binder
For more information about High School Councils at FRCS, please contact Mr. Shawn Gudmundson, Dean of Student Life.